Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 3:49 PM
To: MAZ (MARKETING); 'Nor Hazelin Abd Razak'; FIZAH (EPD4) ; 'Rumaizah'; 'Intan Idayu'; 'Nasir'; 'Rahmat'
Subject: so sweet shout!! ----> SKRIP 7707
Dear Frez…..
Korang nk tgk citer antu x? meh la….aku teringin sgt2….dh lamer x dpt tgkciter genre seram nih…..huhu..
Kalu tgk ngan korang menarik gak nih….samada jadik x takut ataupun makin takut…..ahahhaha….
Jom aarrr….aku nk arrange nih….as our july sO sWeEt GrUp activity,k….
DATE : 28th JULY 2008
TIME : After work….maybe around 8
DRESS CODE : GOTHIC (must wear black attire) *black tudung also for women…..kihkihkih
So, amacam kengkawan…skali skali pakai ala2 gothic nih menarik gak kan, hitam itu menawan…..kihkihkih…
Aku x tau la citer tu camner….tp asal citer antooo aku ok jerr…
Aku tau ramai yg x layan citer melayu….tp come on lahh…saper lg nk sokong industri filem kiter, klu bukan kiter sendirik….kahkahkah…poyo tull…
So, siler balik umah masing2, tanyer spouse masing2,k…yg bujang tu, klu nk bwk couple or fren pun digalakkan gak,k asalkan bayo sendirik….hikhikhik
Please revert to me next week…..
Zt <^_^>

Prof Madya A. Razak Mohaideen
Norman KRU,Fasha Sandha, Fouziah Ghous,Que Haidar,Almy Nadia,Pekin,Kenchana Devi, Sharifah Shahirah
Run Time:

"Skrip 7707" is about a producer in the process of producing a horror film but is faced with complications in getting a script for the movie. He then asks his personal assistant to hold a gathering where people can volunteer to share frightening stories and tell personal experiences about their supernatural encounters. The gathering was recorded on videotape for reference. The next day, when the producer is writing his script, his personal assistant came by to tell him that the advertisement for the gathering received a lot of response from people who would like to share their stories and his assistant also reminded him that the gathering would be held on the same night. The producer was confused and terrified to hear the news as he thought the gathering was already held the night before. Out of curiosity, the producer played the tape again only to find out that the tape only managed to record the audio of event but not the visuals. The question is, who were those people that he met the night before?