Monday, March 29, 2010

Trip To Redang - Prequel

After kena sound ngan Mass mengenai tahap ke"slow"an aku mengupdate blog, trus aku terpanggil utk mengupdate blog aku malam nie. Actually I just got back from a holiday to Redang. Before aku lupa suma fakta2/point2 penting mengenai trip aku kali nie baik aku update cepat2 dulu. (Mas U should proud to be my motivator in blog2 matters nie..).

Ok before that, dah tajuk pun "Prequeal", I would like to share my hassle and obstacles that I went through before gathered up with the trip members at Hentian Duta, KL. As scheduled, we supposed to meet there around 10.30pm as the bus will depart on that time. My early plan was that Along will send me to the commuter station once I got back from work. However, I received a message form Uda(who study at Indon) that I need to pass her new notebook to her friend's house at Gombak coz her friend will be going back to Indon on Sunday night. What??? Mmg sesak nafas jap time tu nak fikir cammana nak adjust masa. Dah la call2 Syana (Uda's friend) x reti2 nak angkat tepon. I never been to her house before, after asking Uda to text me her address suddenly I got an idea. Gombak and Sentul was not very far. Suddenly I remembered Nick who stay there and all plan had changed entirely.

I went back from ofice around 6pm, arrived at home cepat2 sambung packing. Nasib baik pagi td dah sorted out baju2 yg nak dibawa. Bawak my blue Deuter jer senang, lagipun ade space lg so kalau ade pertambahan ape2 still bole sumbat.

Right after maghrib salam2 Along n hubby, kiss2 anak buah then trus memecut ke Gombak.

Alhamdullilah the traffic was smooth that time but my problem was to find Tmn Desa Minang or as per Uda's, the landmarks were Greenwood Bus Station and Shell. Sempat jgkla tanya officemate kat mana Greenwood tu, but still x confident. Ingatkan nak Google sebelum kuar tadi, tp x sempat. I managed to call Syana (bertuah punya budak, she's not at home but I could pass to his brother instead). Then using MRR2 I supposed to exit to Jalan Gombak, but there was one lorry blocking my way on that juction so I missed it. Mmg cuak gile time tu, dlm hati siap berfikir sampai Pahang la aku karang... x silap2 ke Terengganu naik keta. Nasib baik sebelum tol Gombak tu ade lagi satu exit ke Gombak melalui Duke's Highway. Duke pun Duke la... mmg nak menangis time tu, tiba2 x sampai 1km ternampak lak signboard Tmn Greenwood. yes..yesss awal2 lg mmg aku dh himpit tepi xnak kasi kejadian yg sama berulang then trus masuk lorong tu. Ok, penderitaan ku masih belum berakhir. After passed through Pasar Malam, I was stucked in the housing area and not a single signboard available to direct me at least to the main road. I just follow the cars and my instict, sometimes bila nampak unsur2 jalan besar hati tu dh lega tp bila balik ke lorong2 sempit perut dh mula cuak. Jam menghampiri angka 9pm. I had informed Lina to be at Hentian Duta around 9 sumthing so I budgeted that at 9pm I supposed to be odw to Sentul already. Alhamdullilah sekali lagi, maybe kerana niatku baik after pusing2 dlm kawasan perumahan tu suddenly I kuar at the main road and I could see a signboard Tmn Greenword. Menambah lg kelegaan, Shell was just next to the main road. Yahoo!!! After that everythings were just easy, pass notebook to Syana's brother then to Bdr Baru Sentul, locked my car properly next walked to LRT Sentul Timur took train to PWTC. It took around 15mins so I managed to reach PWTC on time.

Sampai2 stesen, x tau lak Hentian Putra ke arah mana, luckily once more I met Akbar yg tgh menunggu Piyut. Raining started heavily that time, so we have to wait until it stops.

After the rain abated, three of us menapak ke Hentian Putra to see Dee, Syazwan, Syam n Mas already there except Ketua rombongan iaitu Lina & kak yatie. Fuhh lega, mission accomplished and now br bole start concentrate on the trip to Redang.

Yes, finally I made it!! Hentian Putra here I come.

I stop my writing here, mau tido dulu and will continue tomorrow. Good night everyone.

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