Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Last 20's Birthday...

This year will be my last birthday with the number "2" infront of it ,as a twenty sumthing lady. (I mean my age lah if U dont get what I mean). Next year I will be early 30's... OMG Im afraid to think about it. Well lets not spoil my mood with the scary thought on my birthday ok? :D

As today is my birthday, I would like to give some speech. Ehem...ehem.. Drums roll please....

Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you for having been with me, virtually and in real life. Your advises, your never-ending support, Your companions, Your helps, Your everything.... are what have driven me to become the person I am today. It's funny how life gets around, but I am glad you were all there with me. I hope I have been a good person for you all, and I also hope I have contributed a part in your life. Together we are strong...:)

To The ONE, My Creator, Allah The Al-Mighty

All I can say is that I am very, very thankful to Allah for blessing me with so much happiness, and by happiness, that includes sadness as well. Being sad is an element of happiness. Thank you for allowing me to have a wonderful relationship and support from family and friends. Thank you for keeping me strong during my down time, blessing and show me guidance every time I feel lost. Thank you for all the friends you bring into my life, I am glad that my number of friends always keep increasing. Thank you for giving me the strength and patience in responding to all the challenges I had to face. Thank you for all the opportunities given, because of You I finally had the courage to do what I have been wanting to do. Im totally happy with my path of life now. Thank you for keeping everyone I love healthy, including myself as well. I love you for there is no god except Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.

So I guess that's it. No matter the number, I am forever young. Happy birthday, me! :)
This is my treat on my birthday. Oh..please..please dont pity me as I enjoying myself having my dinner. Such a great combo.. Maggie mee and Mamak's Ice Tea. Pleasure!!


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