Tuesday, July 26, 2011

KB Last - ZT's reception

Unlike KL or most part in the west coast of Malaysia, the wedding reception at Kelantan (ZT's house to be exact) was a bit different. Here the ceremony started early so by 11am we already arrived at her house (we checked out and brought all our bags too). ZT also already done her make-up & everything, fully prepared waiting for the group from the bridegroom's side.

Theme of the day was mauve color. I think this color suited her well!

I took this chance to take photo with ZT before she got bz later.

The wedding cake.

Me with the Pelamin (stage)

One of the dessert for "meja pelamin". Unique!

The guests mostly were relatives and closed family's members so not much people around and this seems to be the most "relax" and "calm" wedding's reception I ever attended. Well U know la kan normally majlis kenduri especially those held at house mesti riuh-rendah and kelam kabut skitkan. Ape2pun, it was "cool" and well prepared!

Another thing that I found a bit weird was the reception which held on working day. Yes it's Sunday but in Kelantan it was not a public holiday. However according to ZT, it's normal to invite people for "kenduri" on working day at Kelantan since it's more easier coz the guest could directly came to her house during lunch time. Besides that was the purpose of the invitation... kita jamu tetamu makan. Hari cuti normally people will spent more time at home....see, how they valued their guests so much. Make sense kan...

"Persatuan Wanita" from KB was invited to entertain the guest. They just not sang a Nasyid song, but varieties of song from Dikir Barat to Dangdut. Hebat!

Rombongan from Bridegroom's side arrived. Kedua2 mempelai berarak ke Pelamin.

Equally match on the stage.

I like the decoration on the "meja pengantin". The yellow color really made a contras effect and brought up the mauve color, make it outstanding.

Intai lauk plak..

Persalinan lain utk acara potong kek.

We had a short nap at ZT house and at 4pm getting ready to the Airport. After bersalam ngan tuan rumah, collected all the door gifts and buah tangan from them, Asrul sent us to Pengkalan Chepa, Airport. Not more than 10mins we arrived there.

Checked in... our flight departed at 7.20pm.

Alhamdullilah we safely arrived at KL around 8.20pm. Took a taxi back to our office and picked up my car back home. Relief akhirnya dpt menunaikan janji dgn ZT to attend her wedding and experience the culture and custom of Kelantanese wedding. Dpt tour Kota Bahru lagi.....

To Zetty, congratulation on your wedding. May you have a bright future ahead, happy always, wish U all the best and thanks for all the hospitality during my stay at KB.

Till then sweeties, thanks for reading my entry and see you in next post.

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