Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Family Picnic @ Port Dickson - Day 2

2nd day at PD, there was not much thing to do. Since this was a holiday for leisure, we really took our time "bermalas2an", loafing around at our apartment and watched a great view of the beach from our balcony.

We didn't took a breakfast at the hotel as we wanted to have a local breakfast outside. For your info, Roti Canai at PD is really GOOD! Sometime it is good to try local dishes rather than eat at the hotel. Coz that's the intention of traveling pun, learn other culture by witnessing, practicing and of course EATing.
Well.... it is my objective of travelling la, it may differ with other people. Some people might just travel for shopping or leisuring at the hotel what so ever kan... :P

So mission mencari roti canai bermula. It was not so difficult to find a place for breakfast. You can go to the Pasar Malam site opposite Pantai Saujana next to Petronas, or go further at the Medan Selera PD. There are lots of stall available there. As for us, we went to the stall next to Petronas.

Aliya was so well behaved. Good girl!

View of Pantai Saujana from the stall

After breakfast, our BIL brought us to the strategic port for picnic at Pantai Saujana. From our stall, we took a right turn to the narrow road heading to the beach. It is just before the exit to Ancasa Resort.

It was such a beautifull place. So serene, peacefull and comfortable with few trees acted as a shade from the sunlight. A perfect spot for picnic. Awesome!!

I'm not sure either this beach belongs to the resort like Bayu Beach Resort or Ancasa (it's nearer) coz there were lots of group doing xtvt like training, sport or something.

View of Ancasa All Suites Resort from here

Oh, my question above was answered. Look at the warning signboard below, this beach is part of Pantai Saujana which means under the property of MPPD (Majlis Pembandaran Port Dickson) and not a private beach.

Copycat.... the place that was so empty previously, suddenly lots of car came in. Org dah jumpa port kami agaknya :)

The sun shine straight 90deg this time

Liya tgk ape...??

Ok, all her aunties dh siap berpicnic x pelawa dia duduk pun

Along & BIL, budget pose gambar oversea skit...

My mom & Uda entertained the children to play the ball


Next, I went nearer to the beach with Arisha and Hayqal. Close up the tiny holes... Gelikan...

Ayork Hayqal sexy!!!

Pose wajib!!

My turn for the pose!

Enjoying the waves..


Siput2 kecik nie byk kat pantai during low tide. Cantik corak yg terhasil kt pasir tu.

Ala tomey2.....

We cannot spent time longer here as it was so hot. My BIL worried of his children getting tanned so we back to the picnic point. You can see that Hayqal already put his pants on back. LOL!!


Back to picnic area.... to find that all of them were enjoying the ice-cream!!

Muka mantain tepu... ya pkai SAFI aja!

Lagi pose budget oversea

Arisha underneath pokok kelapak... eh bukan. Pokok ape tah x tau.

Next after picnic, we went for some shopping at Family Store located at the main roundabout to Teluk Kemang. We bought snacks and soft drinks for munchy2 later.

This is the roundabout that I mentioned before...

We had our lunch at Medan Selera Seri Bayu which was not very far from our picnic location. Basically we just went within the area of Lukut - PD only so far. We didn't getting further to Teluk Kemang yet.

After finished our lunch, we back to our Apartment. Continue to rest as in the evening, the children wanted to go to the pool. It's time for "REVENGE" since they didn't got the opportunity to swim at the beach previously. (Remember... my BIL didn't allowed takut anak tanned). Wait for the sequel on my next post ok. Dah penat menaip. Till then, BYE....!!

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