Sunday, July 12, 2009

PGs Gathering (11th July 09)

Just got back from hanged around with old friends at Old White Town Coffee, Pandan Indah. There were Naza, Haiza n Kayrie. Since it had been along time we didn't met due to ussual busy working day, we managed to squeeze time to chat about our recent news and updates, most about life and partner and absolutely less about work and current global issues. :p Since 3 of us are still single, it was also a match making session or "mencari pasangan". Kayrie was so eager in matching either Haiza or me with her friends. There are also lots of "how to get a partner" tip from my friend (like I don’t know) hehehhe but who knows if it might be usefull. We dismissed around 8pm.

I’m planning to go to Body Jam class tomorrow at 1.30pm with Naza. I can feel that I'm gaining a bit of weight lately and I started to have a spare tyre at my tummy. I got to do something!! Sailormoon will back on track tomorrow. I'm going to sleep now. Good nite pals!!!

Well herewith I attached you some photos taken at the cafe... Ermm I started to think that nowadays it is quite often to see people taking photo even when they're going to Pasar Malam. But there's nothing to be annoyed, its just a current trend and influenced from the new digital technology. It can be a good thing and also a bad thing. But let just mind our own business ok... Ops, Im started to "melalut" and its a sign to go to bed. Da... Cya in da next post.

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