Thursday, March 10, 2011

Murphy Futsal Tournament 2011

Day / Date : Saturday (5th March 2010)
Venue : Ampang Sports Planet

Lina was organizing a futsal tournement for her company and she invited me to join her team since they're kind of short of members. It was an inter-level competition (well U know how many levels are there at KLCC tower right?), where one team should consist mix of min 2 ladies player and 1 man as a goal keeper which was mandatory.
I was involved in the Murphy Futsal Tournament 2 years ago but not as player, only committee member AKA Score Keeper.

Im not that good in futsal ( though I've been called a striker and "ayam tambatan" for my former company's team... oh perasan hokey :D ), but it had been a year off from futsal resulted in my lack of stamina + confidence + skill + tactic... so on..., imagined how less I would contribute to my team in the game. However, due to this year resolution to get back in shape (well that is actually an every year goal), motivation from Lina plus free jersey that I would get for free, Wow! That was really a strong encouragement so I agreed and IN to the game!

Then that was it. On the day, Lina, Miss Yatie (dedicated photographer) and I went out early in the morning to Ampang Sports Planet, prepared for the game and around 9.30am the game started. My team wore a white jersey and the list of teams participated was as below :

Guess which one was our team?? I had no idea about the team's name selection as I was outsider and all I knew my team was Group A4-Level 31 : SUBSURFACE.

There were all together 6 teams competing and each group had total 6 games in a first round (1 game = 10 mins).

Unfortunately we lost almost in all the matches (yup gelak la... Looser kan...Huhuhuhu), so obviously we didn't make it to the second round.

The first round finished around 12pm, so I decided to go home as I had no more business here (dah kalah dh pun)... lgpun sebenarnya I wanted to go back to my hometown afterward with my sister Uda. During the intermission before the second round started, I took an oppurtunity to snap photo inside the pitch with Lina.

Then photo of myself berangan with the 1st prize voucher worth RM800!!
P/S : Please ignore my oily, greasy face ok.

Piala rebutan. THE CUP!

Then I bidded goodbye to Lina and all my team mates, heading to Kajang. Pick up Uda and together to my favourite place in the whole world.... a place called HOME.

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