Monday, August 22, 2011

UDA's finally graduated - Convocation Day

That was the day.... The most awaited day for all of our family. Alhamdullilah UDA finally graduated. From the day she started her study at Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan we always looking forward for this day. Hoping that we all could come and witness her graduated. However we as human could only planned. While HE is the one who decides everything. My father, even hayatnya x panjang utk menyaksikan hari bersejarah ini, I'm certain that he already satisfied with Uda's achievement. He once told me that he don't think that his life would be long enough to wait until Uda graduated. However he was relief, puas hati and knew that Uda could make it to become a doctor because she already on the right track. And atas dasar amanah itulah, I took the responsibility to take care of Uda (financially and personally) to motivate her together with my mom and other sisters. And because of that responsibility jgk la I came back to Medan to share the joy with my mom. I cannot let Mama alone coz I know she would definitely sad thinking of my late father.

OMG, I started this post with a bit of sad drama while I suppose to make this post a happy one.... :D

Ok back on the convocation story, we woke up early in the morning and had breakfast at the hotel's cafe.

6.30am, taxi arrived to pick up us to University Sumatera Utara (USU). Org dah ramai sampai waktu nie. Jalan dah macet (traffic jam).


Since it was my 1st experience attended convocation at others country, it was a very interesting experience. If in Malaysia we normally choose Baju kurung/long dress for convocation, para wisudawati (graduan in Malay) mostly bersiap sakan for this event. They went for make up at saloon and baju2 mmg stok pengantin. Even their parents pun pkai kebaya mcm nak gi kenduri org kawen. Mmg gile rasa sempoi je org2 Malaysia yg dtg aritu compared ngan Indonesian nie.


Rata2 student kat sini pun dh ramai yg pkai keta.

Me.. mmg xleh lawan la wisudawati2 nie suma

Uda pun sempoi jer. Kalu kat Malaysia dh budget "anggun" tu

Along the way to the audotorium, there were these "bunga papan" available everywhere. I will tell you later the usage of it.


All the wisuda/wisudawati had been called to enter the audotorium first while all the parents had to wait outside. Makcik2 dgn kebaya jarang & rambut "pelesu", kalah I yg anak dara nie.


Para ibu bapa mula mengambil tempat setelah di benarkan masuk

We got this goodies bag before entering the hall. Ade cake, bun and Tauhu. Sedap!


The grand stage still empty

The arrival of all Deans, Drs, Professors, Rectors...

Speech from the rector..

Close up

Giliran fakultas kedokteran to receive their honours!!

Close up Uda. Even gambar shacking janji nampak baju merah jadilah...

Lastly before dismissed.. performance from the local artist. Toksah ckp la mmg hebat!

Ade sekali tu time national anthem diaorg di mainkan, even Indonesian sendiri pun x respect and rise to sing the song. Apetah lagi kita Malaysian kan, buat blur je la time tu. Maintained ddk atas kerusi jer. Huhuhuh.........

Alright habis sudah. Singkat dan padat. X ngantuk pun. Ehehehe...

See ramainya org. Mana nk cr Uda nie??

Kedai2 kat luar yg bakal di serbu

Everyone stuck in here...

Keadaan di luar pula mcm nie. Rimas2, and so hot lor..

Port baik utk tunggu Uda. Food stalls at the auditorium area.

Sambil legakan tekak minum air kelapa. Asyikkkk.......

Met Uda here. Rindu plak zaman jd graduan. :D

Alright, I did mentioned about "bunga papan" before kan. Well, it is a famous dedication board in Medan (Not sure la if seluruh Indonesia ke x ). Like a big wishing card! Not only convocation, you can give it to congrat people on the wedding day or any events. There are many designs where you can choose. All the flowers already decorated earlier on the board. They just left one empty space at the middle to stick your name on it. As you can see below, my sister name "Dr Nor Aishah" was made using a block from a polystyrene. Then they sticked it on the green color plate before pasted it on the board. Finally menjadilah bunga papan idaman anda.

During this convocation, the "bunga papan" was use as a photoshoot background. You just choose which background you wanted, paste your name and there you go. We got 3 shoots if I'm not mistaken. Then they will give you receipt and need to collect the photos at their shop later.

Uda with mom...

We went back inside the auditorium to take photo

Universitas Sumatera Utara Badge

Sihat Uda time nie...

Last photo before balik


Upacara sudah selesai, we all went back to hotel around 12noon. Alhamdullilah syukur finally it's over. I felt my burden lighter and really proud of my sister, Dr Nor Aishah Bt Abdul Razak. (Oh ya we both, my mom and I cried when Uda on stage to receive her degree). Congrats as finally U have fulfill our family's hope and gave us especially me opportunity to visit Medan so many times and experienced convocation from others country.

However my story isn't finished yet. To be continued in the next post. Stay tuned sweetrums!!

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