Sunday, November 26, 2017

Mabuhay Boracay : Day 2 - Zipline (U fly, I fly.. Superman in the Sky)

iii) Fairways, Bluewater & Happy Planet Zipline 

I left you guessing in previous post either we proceeded with the Zipline or not. Well the answer is YES. We next rode the ATV to the Zipline place after visited Mount Luho. Honestly I was still undecided either to try it or not, but since Fairul and Bamalex encouraged us to do it, I just followed to survey the place and see how people did it first before made my decision.

Went down the hill to the Zipline place.

Arrived at the Fairways, Bluewater & Happy Planet Zipline.

Keep Calm..?? Jantung dah berdetak spt genderang yg mahu perang time nie...

Ok a bit about Zipline, it is a cable attached at two points which uses gravity to propel you from one end to the other. Typically a ziplines speed ranges between 30 and 60 miles per hour (almost 100 KMPH!).

The Fairways & Bluewater Newcoast Boracay is one of the luxury resort in Boracay with private beach coves, accommodations and a golf course. The Zipline here is about 600m and it is the longest and highest Zipline in Boracay. Wow!! The cost for Zipline is PHP1000/pax.

The resort's view from the Zipline platform.

I was trying to calm and reduced my fast beating heart by enjoying the view.

The beach.

We sat there at the platform seeing one by one couple or even single did the zipline, then the staff there asked to our group either we were ready tor take the challenge or not. Guess who the first to accept this challenge??

Of course the one who encouraged us to do this... Fairul. Fizah who probably been motivated by her husband, looked confident also. Maybe nak cover semalam challenge cliff jumping x buat :P

Bamalex menyusul, but he did it alone since Lina needed to take care of the children.

They were strapped on in this huge canvas sack before letting their feet off the floor, hanged in the air with the clips from the canvas sack attached to the rope.

Floating in the air like a superman. 

Better to take out your slippers to avoid it from fell down from your feet during the Zipline. As you can see here, the guide attached their slippers together to the clips so that it will also "fly" with them.

About to go...

Before "letting go"... you will need to hold the metal pole so that you will facing frontward.

After the above ready.... then off they zoomed accross the golf course!!
So what about us...????

Amik gambar aje ke...??

I was almost surrender if not because seeing an Ahjuma (grandnanny) with her grandson also dared to attempt this activity. Yes, I felt really challenged. If the old lady could do it, how could I... the younger one freak out. She was like our bench mark. No excuse to avoid anymore. At least like Lina could give reason to take care the kids. Hehehehhee.....

I eventually plucked up my courage and took the challenge.

Honestly, if Miss Yar & Kayrie didn't join, I probably also quit. Luckily we got through this together. Ceh drama!!

Motif kau nak berpegangan tangan ngan Miss Yar??

Then off... we zoomed with such a high speed!! I really felt like flying!! Of course speeding down towards the beach on the zipline is really quite exciting at these high speeds. It wasn't scary as I thought it would be. There's no heart-dropping-moments like on a roller-coaster or bungee jump or skydive. I mainly screamed a little at the start just for fun, but soon got tired and just enjoyed the view.

As I did the zipline, there was no one taking our photo. It's only when we finished the zipline I remembered of my SJCAM camera, why I didn't bring it together and record our activity. That was one of the purpose I bought it, to record the outdoor/extreme activity. However I made the decision to do zipline so last minute and I was nervous that time. My mind only focused on the activity so I don't think even if I remembered, either I could hold the camera with my trembling hand during that time or not.

Reached the end, we had to climb about 3-4 stories worth of stairs to take this cable car back.

Coming back via cable car. Screenshot from video.

Photo taken by Lina.

Arrived safe and sound.

Chaiyok to Lina also who looked into the children, been our supporter and photographer.

We completed our ATV programme today with the Zipline. Even I was reluctant at first, it was always a first time for something right? (And thanks for grandnanny that indirectly motivated us to do this. You were our mentor!) You don't try, you don't know you capability or either that thing is fun or not. And from now on, I could brag to anyone that I've tried Zipline. Heheheh...

All I can say is... try it yourself and never forget the rush!

Trip to Boracay, Philippine Fast Link Here
Pre-Journey Tips
Preparation before Trip
Day 0 – The Journey KL to Boracay Island
Day 0 – 1st Night and Emmer Mosa Birthday Party
Day 1 – Island Hopping Starting Point & Crocodile Island
Day 1 – Cliff Jumping at Magic Island
Day 1 – Crystal Cove Island Resort
Day 1 – Luncheon at Puka Beach
Day 1 – 2nd Night at Boracay Island
Day 2 - ATV to Mount Luho
Day 2 – Strolling Along White Beach
Day 2 – Last Night, Shopping at D’Talipapa and Paluto Dinner
Boracay Last Day
Boracay 2015 Total Expenses

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