Friday, October 16, 2009

Raya Party @ Procurement

Procurement had organized a raya party at their department on the 12th of Oct, Monday. There was a fee of Rm10,and everybody were advised to bring together a RM5 cost of present for the exchanged gift ceremony. I just bought a traveler kit (contained a tooth brush & paste) which I found quite usefull since I saw lots of staff usually brush their teeth after lunch at the office. It costed about RM4.60 and I packed it nicely with ribbons too!! On the 12th, I went to procurement dept (next building) with my others office mate on the lunch time, each brought our presents. It was my first time entering that dept, it was not very spacious and the room was almost packed when I reached there. We had to register first and randomly had to pick a number inside a box for us to keep so that we could redeem of gift later. We also submitted our present to be tagged with number and after that without wasting time headed to our main objective, for the food tour.

(My present - tag no 58)

There were varieties of food available. Nasi himpit, lemang and rendang were obviously mandatory, with other awesome meals such as satay, mee hun, nasi briani, laksa, cakes and kuih-muih. There was only one thing lack in this party which almost all of us had to stand to eat. Seats were not enough. Cant blame the organizer also as this was supposed to be only a small department with maybe the max of 15 staffs, then suddenly been ambushed with a troop of people so what do you expected. Besides that, everythings were fine to me. Before we all dismiss to work, (lunch was over) the most awaited moment had come. We had to wait for the coordinator to call the number that was tagged on the present earlier and anyone who kept the number had to come and collect the present,as simple as that. I got no 14 and guess what present had I received?? Heheheh it was quite unique and I think maybe the person who gave me this present had lost an idea on what to buy as a present. So in the end instead of shopping something that cost RM5, he/she finally packed the RM5 note in the ang pow. Senang cerita and no need to hassle to wrap the thing. While there is other who might envy on my luck to get "duit raya", I on the other hand prefer to have the "real thing" as a present. At least there is something to keep as a souvenir. If you get money, you might spend it on the "un-seen" things like foods, fuel, tolls and etc. But Im not complaining here, I'm pleased with what I got. Thanks to the Mr/Mdm X. So here are some photos on the scene. Enjoy!!

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