Friday, April 24, 2009

Imigresen, HAIR coloured, Bohsia & JaMMing...

Morning World....

Its Friday and today Im ON LEAVED... What a beautifull day. Well today my schedule will be quite packed. First right after breakfast, I need to go to Immigration to update my passport status. I will be going for holiday next week.. YAHOO!! Few days left before my resignation, so I need to prepare mentally and physically before started at the new place.

Talking about START, for me it means the beginning of one phase, new & fresh and its just made me felt so motivated in creating a new version of myself. Learning, improving and contributing are few aspect that will be applied in the process to turning myself for a better person. So why not I start with a bit of changes physically as a motivation. Let say new image, I mean new fresh image so the bored-looking image will be vanished and transforming to the new look as a trigger to my mind so that I will keep updating myself and not stay at an "old curve" forever. Hahha, ok..ok la straight to my point, I wanted to get hair coloured today. Maybe highlight too!! (I need to check the cost first). I'm also determined to keep my hair long (never had a long hair before) after been encouraged by my friend. Well we wait n see OK.

After my hair job's done, my next plan is to watch movie which on my friend's treat. (Thanks Najmiey, luv ya!!!). He will "belanja" me for lunch too!! What a great friend he is... We will watch "BOHSIA" at 3pm. Then as ussual, its Friday once again my friend, so tonite I will be attending a BODY JAM class. One of my fav! Dancing queen will be back on the dance floor. Cant wait for IT xpecially with my new hair. Wahhhh..... I LIKE!!

Sekian sahaja laporan buat hari ini. Salam Hormat!

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